
Hello and welcome to ‘Once upon a Book’! 

I would like to thank you for visiting my blog and start by – quickly – introducing myself. I am Lara Emilie, a student who absolutely loves books and writing. I have always loved books... It started with bedtime stories when I was little and quickly turned to reading more and more. I read every genre, but particularly enjoy crime books and fantasy. Also, as you may have notice, I read in several languages and usually several books at a time. It is a mere question of habit.

At the end of 2011, I decided to take advantage of two of my hobbies – reading and computer designing – and created my first literary blog: the Powers of Words. As I read and write in several languages, it was not easy to organise and I decided in 2013 to create ‘Once upon a book’ in order to solve this problem (or try to solve it) and make a new design.

Apart from reading, I am interested in a wide range of other things, such as art (mostly drawing, photography and watercolour painting), writing, sports, languages, travelling... and many more!


I hope you enjoy visiting my blog. If you have any question or request, do not hesitate to contact me by comment or by email at


1 comment:

  1. Trop beau ! Je suis fan !
    Tu m'en fais un comme ça beau ? Et je te paie hein !!! ;)

    Sérieux, j'adore il est splendide comme blog !


Design by Laraemilie